Amendities/Agreement Policy
- (Subject to change)
MUST work within ALL scheduled days
- No exceptions
- No half-days
- Must always be punctual
- Must always respect performer and others
- No dating at work
- No drama in between parties involved. Must always maintain level of professionalism, integrity, and eloquence in the work environment.
MUST work within ALL scheduled days
- $300.00 - $333,333.00
- Pay is demanded by DAY OF EVENT/SHOW
- Eligible for reimbursement prior to pay period if cancelled within 1 week prior event/show.
Objective & Timeframe
- One Woman 1 hour set w/ 10-15 minute intermission
- Nosey Khleo Klause: “She a dancer, but she don’t strip.” Meaning: NO STRIPPING! There will be no nudity nor any additional sexual favors allowed.
- Her Show, Her Music: Musical options are chosen ONLY by performer
- Daily campaign updates will account for a small portion of time.
Individual Goals
- Promotions
- Social Media
- Street Team
- Other Miscellaneous Amenities
- Food & Drink
- Private Dressing Room/Section
- Promotions
Equipment Policy
- Must provide sound checks the day before and on the day of event. If any equipment that is used for work purposes during the event is broken or lost, he/she will risk their position and will be liable for lost or broken device.
- Termination Policy